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There has been a good deal of engagement on Mr. Stephenson's theology of baptism (and, relatedly, ordination). A few folks seem to be a little frustrated that I didn't correct him more firmly or take more time to articulate a Wesleyan understanding of these things. My choice to have a light touch shouldn't be interpreted as an indifference toward or blessing of his doctrine. It's more that I just didn't consider it necessary to camp out on in this particular interview. If anyone wants to set up an interview with someone from the UMC who would like to talk about Methodist doctrine around ordination and baptism, I'll be happy to do it. It just wasn't the purpose of this particular conversation. I think we established pretty firmly that Mr. Stephenson just wasn't a Methodist, and it just wasn't a good fit. Anyone who thinks I was trying to make this emblematic of Oklahoma AC behaving badly--I need to correct that. I wish they would exercise the same discipline with respect to those who break our doctrines on the left, and I would have had them handle things somewhat differently in Vici, but I certainly don't fault them for feeling the need to step in.

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