Thank you, Jeffrey. Over the past few months I have been convicted of the lack of the spiritual disciplines in my life. You have stray chord I needed to hear. God Bless you brother.

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Jul 21Liked by Jeffrey Rickman

It is a simple fact that all humans do not want to suffer. Yet Jesus said about Paul, "For I will show him how much he will suffer for the sake of my name." Acts 9:16 Jesus also said, "Take up your cross and follow me." If we truly follow Jesus, there will be suffering. Simply denying ourselves will bring about suffering. Whoever told us following Christ would be easy? Yet we live in a world where life can be abundant and easy. Early in history, life was hard. It still is in many parts of the world. I agree that our wealth has made us soft, privileged, and prideful. Instead praising God and giving thanks, we will Instead spend our blessings on ourselves. We have no desire to become like Christ. We do not want to suffer.

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Jul 21Liked by Jeffrey Rickman

Brother Jeffrey, I agree with your call to Holy living, but I’m afraid that for the most part, you’ll find very few takers. Why would I believe this. First of all you’re fighting against a culture where principled Christian live style has been preached in most churches as optional, just as discipleship has been. The reason for this is because the institutional church is fueled by money, and if you start demanding a principled Christian life style, you’re going to run off a lot of your paying customers/congregants. Secondly, like you’ve stated, our relative wealth has spoiled us to non-dependence on God’s providence. There’s a reason Jesus spoke about the difficulty a rich man would have in entering the kingdom of heaven. This is why I’m convinced that before this nation experience’s the next Great Awakening, there will be some type of calamity that will bring about a massive humbling. Good Friday had to proceed Resurrection Sunday.

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Jul 21Liked by Jeffrey Rickman

Bob, I always look forward to your responses. You have clarity and insight which I appreciate.

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Jul 21Liked by Jeffrey Rickman

Eileen, thank you for your encouraging words.

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