"Whether or not you are under authority, whether you can get hurt for it, whether it will be the right timing (2 Tim. 4:2), God help you if you keep your mouth shut."

This idea is why my wife and I are leaving our local UMC which has not even discussed disaffiliation. I feel deeply that my continuing to attend a UMC, I'm by default affirming the actions they've taken to completely disregard the BOD. Me staying is an act of silence and I can not in good conscious say/do nothing.

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Jeffrey, I agree with with your statements. Discernment through the Holy Spirit is important. I have learned to listen first to what someone is saying. If I disagree and with discernment, I will speak up. I believe not speaking up will lead the other person to think you agree. It is important to disagree without being disagreeable. If the person is unreasonable then it is time to say "You may be right." Then walk away. There is no reason to argue if the other person refuses to allow you to have beliefs that are different from their beliefs. Speaking truth to power is difficult. I have done it many times with various results. Some folks will say to me afterwards, "I'm so glad you said that because I was thinking the same". At the time I would feel very much alone. I watched the clip where you spoke boldly to the Bishop. I was both proud of you and concerned for you. Grace and peace, Eileen

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Yeah that was a weird exchange. I was genuinely confused. I spoke to the bishop numerous times at different points, seeking shared understanding. I don’t think we ever got very close...

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