Hi Jeffrey. I am able to resonate fully with your views expressed here in you article. Although I was not a veteran, I was of military draft age in 1970 during the Vietnam war. I was fortunate to have a high enough number to avoid the draft, however, I would have served if drafted. I soon joined the Houston Police Department at age 19. I married my high school sweetheart and I knew that I wasn’t college bound, so I needed a more secure job than I was currently employed in, and The Houston Police Department was “looking for 2000 new officers “ (their recruitment campaign) Personally, I don’t see a lot of difference between what is expected from either law enforcement officers and military personnel. Both serve their country in roles that could require the use of deadly force, the only difference being domestic or foreign fields. As to the roles of these civil servants as Christians: Would you rather have non-Christians serving in these roles? My problem with most of the wars that America has been involved in, post-Korean, is with our government’s decision to participate in them, not with the folks who put their lives on the line to fight them. I feel like the lobbying of the so-called “Military Industrial Complex” is responsible for most of these. War benefits them greatly. And yes, in my opinion, most American Christians do not take their roles as soldiers in this on going battle between the Children of Light against the forces of evil serious enough.

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Bob, I want to add to your comment about the military versus policing and I do so as a 30-year combat veteran of the U.S. Air Force. While my time in combat was short-lived, police officers engage in a combat environment every time they step in front of the public. I say that with the knowledge of a son and son-in-law that are members of the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department and I, too, as one with a degree in law enforcement. I believe our police officers deserve every bit the recognition and accolades given our military personnel. Best Regards

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Thank you for YOUR service, sir! Serving in Houston was no doubt often dangerous. (I've never lived there, but my grandfather taught at Rice and my aunt still lives there...so I've visited a few times.)

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An excellent posting Pastor Jeffery ... as always!

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As a "military brat" (my dad served 23 years in the USAF) I can say "great article" Jeffrey.

I am curious why you chose to use scripture from (I assume) the KJV?

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I just like the KJV. No deeper reason. Thanks for the affirmation!

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