I had never heard the book of resolutions referred to as bound toilet paper. When I read your comments I wonder if we are trying to add to the scriptures as Jesus rebuked the scribes and Pharisees saying, "Woe to you teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You shut the door to the kingdom of heaven in people's faces. You yourselves do not enter, nor do you allow those to enter who are trying to enter." Matthew 23:13-14 Just as schooling is less and less about reading, writing and 'rithmatic and more about teaching social and political world views, religion has become less about denying ourselves, taking up our cross and following Christ and more about indoctrination to beliefs that have little to do with Christ. Teaching biblical "Truth" as Jesus taught it, should be the primary purpose of the church.

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Good comments as always Pastor. My recommendation for the GMC with regard to the inclusion of 'Social Witness' would be to stand solely on witness as given in Scripture, thus eliminating it in its entirety in the Transitional Book of Discipline (TBoD). I believe such issues; specifically those as may be tied with points 3, 4, 5, 6, and 11; should be left to the discretion of the individual congregant as each may interpret both scripture and the issues. The GMC, with the inclusion of the Social Witness in the TBoD, is placing the denomination into a political arena and asking for a pledge to the same that will not serve well to the denomination and thus, jeopardize the growth of the denomination.

I think there will be staunch, constitutional conservatives who will avoid a denomination with such proclamations, some ambiguous, that could be used maliciously to support an issue indifferent to a large number of GMC congregants. Take, for example, in item number 3 the phrase, "the well-being of the mother and the child." What does well-being mean in this statement? Does it mean a physical health issue or one of a mental issue, or am I wrong on both thoughts? The ambiguity leaves open the possibility of interpretations that are not going to satisfy the entire population of a denomination, so why include it when it is not necessary to do so? See my point?

Again, thank you for all you do to share very important information that I believe is critical to the GMC as the denomination charts a path best designed to navigate them to a future that will, prayerfully, best serve to God's desires.

May the Lord Bless You, Your Family, and Your Ministry,


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