May 6, 2023Liked by Jeffrey Rickman

Whenever there is a commitment of time or devotion or trust it will be difficult. I have church people I barely know tell me they are "Stephen Ministry" Shepherds if anyone needs to talk about personal issues. I have shared my own personal information with one person I thought was trustworthy only to find out they shared it with everyone. This damages the ability to be open. Trust takes time. It requires a relationship. Many people are too busy until it becomes too late. Commitment is hard for most people even commitment to our God. Daily Bible reading, daily prayer, weekly church attendance, Bible study and other life enriching activities are put off or are not a priority. Before I retired work consumed 48-56 hours of my time. I felt guilty I couldn't attend church because I was working. I do not take going to church for granted. I thoroughly enjoy it. I am blessed when I go. I love God and His church.

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I think you're right that when folks cannot commit the requisite time or devotion, it will be difficult. Indeed, I would say it is impossible to have intimacy in Christ if individual members prioritize other things over and above the fellowship they have in Christ.

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