1 Comment
Aug 5, 2023·edited Aug 7, 2023

This may sound silly but I sometimes "do the opposite of what I want to do" just as George Costanza did on an episode of Seinfeld with good success. For example, instead of getting angry at someone, I will laugh. It is not easy to do but if you can manage it, it can work. Any way to diffuse a bad or difficult situation is a good thing. Humor, if you can, is a way , or a quick prayer "Lord, help me!". 🙏 Of course when you do laugh at a bad situation in front of your spouse, he or she may think you have completely lost your mind!

My friend from church is an example and inspiration for me. She has suffered much tragedy in her life. Despite the sadness she told me she "chooses to be happy". God has blessed her with a long and mostly healthy life.

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