"I am personally of the mind that the denomination’s culture around power politics, neomarxist intersectionality, and obfuscation of finances and other bureaucratic dealings will result in the rapid decline and ultimate fatal dysfunction and death of the institution."

My wife and I had out final Sunday at our local UMC on Sunday. Pentecost, unfortunately. But I've commented to her several times that if the UMC continues on this path, they've got 10-15 years at best as churches and congregations flock to the exits.

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Jun 2, 2023Liked by Jeffrey Rickman

Right on point! At first I emotionally took exception to the spurned lover analogy, but on further reflection, I realized you were right. The only thing I would add is that the lover being spurned let other lovers move into the house, while we were still together. Now, the spurned lover is asking us to pay all the debts, without taking any of the assets.

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Yeah I could've made the article like five times longer with a lot more examination on how much overlap there is. The only other relationship that I thought mirrored what is going on is of a business partnership. I might do a follow-up with that. It's just the level of emotion and acrimony is really only seen where intimacy is involved, so this metaphor fit more exactly. I realized the metaphor of unmarried lovers would offend some, and that was mostly intentional. I think the project of the UMC was an unholy alliance of light and darkness that was doomed to fail from the beginning. I want to push back against this notion that because did something with good intentions, it couldn't possibly be wrong or evil. I think we should rather see that as we continue to try to imagine being holy in the midst of unholy relationships, that we are actually staining ourselves in a way that is similar to sleeping with others out of wedlock. We should really only be in fellowship with others who worship the same Lord with the same gravity that we do. Otherwise, we are unequally yoked and will be fatally compromised.

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May 31, 2023Liked by Jeffrey Rickman

Full disclosure here; I wasn’t raised UMC or a long term member, but I’ve kept up with what’s going on for at least a decade. As I see it; there will never be peace within in the UMC because they’ll never reach an end goal. The remaining moderate institutionalists will soon be treated like the former orthodox believers who chose to leave. Personally, I see the current trajectory ending in Unity Universalism.

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Yeah it is hard to imagine a stopping point. For many, I believe they see the whole point of the Christian faith as a constant revolution, never ceasing to agitate for the world to change according to progressive pieties, ever changing with each age and news cycle.

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I'm sure this was necessary for you to soothe your soul by placing all the angst in the story on the UMC. I have news for you. As a 64 year old cradle Methodist (and United since it became so), you'd probably be hurt by latest Florida Annual Conference. The mood was hardly the bleak picture you paint. Lest you forget, the majority of members and churches are remaining UMC, and the air of the Conference was filled with excitement and liteness of having freed ourselves of people who wish to create a church of small circles that includes only those they approve of. The Church of Wesley is anything if not inclusive. So if it makes you feel better to pat yourself on the back, and blame the breakup on the UMC, go ahead. Do what you have to do, but for me and my house, we will welcome all and be about God's inclusive church.

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John Wesley kicked people out of a Methodism all the time. It was a regular thing. He was very exclusive. Methodism was an exclusive movement. It seems to me that you did not read my article very closely, nor do you have a very firm grasp of Methodist history or doctrine. I’m not sure I need to take your comment very seriously.

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People got kicked out...not whole classes of people. Try again. And of course, since I don't agree with you, you wouldn't take my comment seriously. I did read the entire article, and it is clear it's all about you making yourself feel better than it is a critical examination of anything. Have a great day.

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This is a truly apt analogy, analysis, and appeal!

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