Brother Jeffrey, I am personally looking forward to reading both of your proposed articles. The one on death, because I’m involved in ministry to folks in a nursing home, and that’s a constant reality. The other one on Big Pharma, because I’m already convinced that they, along with other large corrupt institutions, are being used by the “dark powers of this world” to war against “the children of light”. May God grant you the grace needed to offer words of wisdom and clarity to the “called out ones”. Blessings.

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Thanks, Bob. I'm going to sit on these guys for a few days, think on other things, then come back with fresh eyes. Both topics hit really close to people's homes and hearts. I want to tread carefully, but I'm also always afraid that if I speak too gently, folks won't be moved to consider something new. Thanks for your support, friend!

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Go ahead with your article. Sometimes it helps to be offended and take a step back to think about that point of view I have been waiting

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Thank you, sister. It has been so surreal and strange to see what happens when I just say what is on my mind. There has been a lot of support from people who I think are just fed up with everyone having to be so careful in the age of political correctness. I know I have offended people in previous years. Ironically, that was when I was more guarded. As I have started to speak more freely, fewer people have messed with me. These dynamics could result in my getting sloppy, so I think it is really important that I continue scrutinizing what I say before I say it. I said a couple things from the pulpit that I didn't feel great about afterwards. I need to make sure that I maintain diligence, lest I unnecessarily alienate dear friends and people made in God's image. Anyway, I'll definitely get something out next week. I look forward to hearing your thoughts. Blessings to you, dear friend!

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